Novaptech: new offices!

Inauguration of the brand new premises of Novaptech, a leading biotechnology company producing aptamers for the detection of contaminants in the food industry Novaptech, an innovative biotechnology company, inaugurated its new premises in Gradignan on May 31st, 2024, in the presence of Mr Alain Rousset, President of the Conseil Régional de Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Created in 2016 from Jean-Jacques Toulmé’s academic laboratory at the University of Bordeaux, Novaptech currently has 9 employees and plans to recruit a further 5 by the end of 2025. Specialising in the development of aptamers, Novaptech stands out as the only French company to master this breakthrough technology. Aptamers, which can replace antibodies in all analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic applications, are at the heart of Novaptech’s strategy. The company is initially focusing on the development of biosensors for real-time detection of contaminants in the agri-food industry, such as pesticides, micropollutants and endocrine disruptors, in response to the need for rapid, simple and decentralised testing. In line with the objectives of the Neo Terra strategic roadmap drawn up by the Conseil Régional de Nouvelle-Aquitaine for the ecological and energy transition, Novaptech recently validated its first laboratory-scale aptasensor. The Conseil Régional de Nouvelle-Aquitaine has supported Novaptech since its creation. Once again this year, the Region has supported the company in strengthening its export strategy, particularly in Asia. The inauguration of these brand new premises marks an important step for Novaptech, consolidating its role as a leader in the biotechnology sector and its commitment to innovation and the protection of public health. For more details, read the full press release from the Cabinet of President Alain Rousset here (in French).
📣ECHOS is talking about us!📣

ECHOS is talking about us !
📣AGRO Media is talking about us!📣

AGRO Media is talking about us! Biotechnologie : Novaptech inaugure de nouveaux locaux pour renforcer la détection de contaminants agroalimentaires
📣Sud Ouest is talking about us!📣

Sud Ouest is talking about us! Article in French.
NOVAPTECH supported by AQUITI Gestion

AQUITI Gestion This team of experienced investors supports new and confirmed entrepreneurs in their financing plan. And we are proud to disclose that they support our company!
New press article about NOVAPTECH! (in French)

le STARTUPPER 2018-2019 L’écosystème des startups Release of the 2018-2019 special edition!
New press article about Novaptech (in French)

APS N°2094 Nouveaux partenariats d’envergure pour Novaptech qui cherche du foncier Créée il y a environ 2 ans, la jeune pousse girondine de biotechnologies Novaptech est un des rares spécialistes mondiaux des aptamères et plus précisément de leur sélection. […] Depuis début 2017 où nous révélions en exclusivité les projets de la start-up (l’hebdo/APS n° 2024), la direction tire un “bilan extrêmement satisfaisant” de l’année écoulée […]. Par David MOREL >> Download the full article in French
Le Journal Des Entreprises n°362

Novaptech. Raising funds to become a worldwide leader. BIOTECHNOLOGY With a first fund raising of 300,000€, the start-up Novaptech positions itself in the global aptamer marketplace. >> Download the full article in french
APS N°2024

R&D et levées de fonds pour Novaptech qui veut devenir un leader mondial des aptamères Une nouvelle jeune pousse girondine de biotechnologie sort du bois : Novaptech. Dans un marché des biocapteurs voué à considérablement se développer à brève échéance, la start-up doit rapidement se construire une légitimité. Elle s’apprête pour cela à lancer un important programme de R&D et prévoit de lever des fonds. >> Download the full article in french

La startup girondine Novaptech lève 300 000 € >> Download the full article in french Back to News