NOVAPTECH soutenu par AQUITI Gestion
AQUITI Gestion This team of experienced investors supports new and confirmed entrepreneurs in their financing plan. And we are proud to disclose that they support our company!
NOVAPTECH est très fier d'annoncer que nous avons conclu un partenariat stratégique avec EUROGENTEC.
EUROGENTEC is recognized as one of the major suppliers of high quality reagents for the Life Science Communities in the field of genomics and proteomics, as well as a trusted US FDA inspected Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) for the bio-production of pharmaceuticals (vaccines and medicines). NOVAPTECH and EUROGENTEC join their expertise to provide our clients with a complete high-value service for the development and production of your nucleic acid-based aptamers. The related web pages can be found here: EUROGENTEC website NOVAPTECH website