Structure-switching aptamers (aptaswitches)


Aptamers are known to generally undergo a conformational change upon binding to their ligand. This can be exploited for their selection and for signaling the presence of the target. The structural change is then associated to a signal (fluorescence energy transfer for instance). This can be deliberately exploited for the design of aptamer-based biosensors.

The NOVAswitch technology

The selection is carried out against free molecules in solution whereas the oligonucleotide library is immobilized in a support. Candidates released in the solution following the addition of the target molecule are collected, amplified and analyzed. In another format the selection takes advantage of so-called kissing interactions. In this case, the addition of the target promotes the interaction of candidates to a hairpin oligonucleotide that are subsequently collected, amplified and analyzed. The selected candidates are functional aptaswitches. They can be integrated into biosensors with different modalities of signal transduction.

See for instance

Durand, G., Lisi, S., Ravelet, C., Dausse, E., Peyrin, E., & Toulmé, J.-J. (2014). Riboswitches Based on Kissing Complexes for the Detection of Small Ligands. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(24), 6105–6110.

Durand, G., Dausse, E., Goux, E., Fiore, E., Peyrin, E., Ravelet, C., & Toulmé, J.-J. (2016). A combinatorial approach to the repertoire of RNA kissing motifs; towards multiplex detection by switching hairpin aptamers. Nucleic Acids Research, 44(9), 4450-4459.

Goux, E., Dausse, E., Guieu, V., Azéma, L., Durand, G., Henry, M., Choisnard, L., Toulmé, J.-J., Raveleta, C., & Peyrin, E. (2017). A colorimetric nanosensor based on a selective target-responsive aptamer kissing complex. Nanoscale, Issue 12.

Tests basés sur Aptaswitch

Tests rapides

Test bandelette

Environment & food safety monitoring

Détection d'un médicament dans des fluides biologiques

They support our R&D

Des questions ? Demandez-nous !

Any question about selection service or assay development ? Please fill in the form below with relevant details for helping us providing an informative answer. Telephone or video call can be arranged. NDA can be signed, would you wish so. We will answer you as quickly as possible (generally less than 2 working days).

Biomarker analysis

Votre contact scientifique :

Jean-Jacques Toulmé, PhD, CSO

À propos des Aptamères
À propos de Novaptech

2 avenue Favard
Entrée 5, 1er étage

À propos de Novaptech

2 avenue Favard
Entrée #5, 1er étage